Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vote Bank Politics

We are seeing one of the worst politicians in the Indian History in the name of AR Antulay.
I'm not sure what he is trying to say but what ever he has did has shown how much narrow minded we are and these politicians are only there to grab votes and earn money. It is high time the people understand these ,do not get tied on religious or linguistics barriers and get rid of these un ethical and morale less people
When the whole country is shocked on the Mumbai incident ,this minister is questioning the deaths of some nobel people as a conspiracy. In fact those brave men should be rewarded more than what they deserve for.
The congress party is totally useless which has a accidental PM,Videshi Leader and the rest only look for Votes and nothing else.
Lets hope that the people come out of the barriers and teach lessons to all these politicians who do the job as a business ,they have forgotten that they need to do Service not do business

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