Saturday, April 14, 2007

A thougtt

I was just seeing 'Gandhi' film few days back and reading his Experiments with truth book. In our younger days we have been told Gandhi as a great man,nobel,wise,etc in our books,etc. But when you read the whole story about him we kind of come to know great this person is. He seems to be a different person when you see him as a politician.

This man has kind of controlled whole of India in 1920's when the communication system was very very less compared to what it is now. Be it be British revolt or Hindu-Muslim clash the efforts he took and people loving him was too good to see. This person was beyond religious/caste/diversity barrier. Every Person from Kanyaumari to the extreme north (could be Pakistan now) liked him

The reason for me telling this is with the growing political trend we do not have a charismatic leader whom people love. Of late the President(Mr Kalam) is kind of liked by all and kids/youngsters consider him as role model. But he has nothing to say in politics.

Of course countries that practice democracy for a longer period than India like US have matured in the political arena. More than Individuals it is the policy/practices the parties follow make people align them selves towards them (Conservative,Left,Liberal,Socialist)

Even though in India we have our parties aligning themselves towards some of these still they do not stick on to it or follow it strictly. One good thing we have achieved is we are into this setup only for 60 years with the biggest diversities existing within the culture.

Having said this there is no point in blaming politicians/politics .Or we cannot expect a Mahatma now .One of the way to stream line/improve is to have educated people involving themselves in Politics.The parties won't chnage suddenly. Only the people running them should change it .So more civilized people and democracy within the party will help streamlining them

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