Saturday, March 31, 2007

Reservation - A social cause

The recent Supreme Court Verdict on the OBC reservations has clearly indicated our Politicians exist and work nothing for other than Votes.
With the social discrimination prevailing in the Indian Culture, Reservation for deprived classes was in evitable. We all have to accept the fact that we need to bring people whose generations were not given chances before because of the caste system to excel themselves. The main goal of this system is to create a society where every one have equal opportunities.

We have passed 60 years of Independence in which we have been living with this system . Had this system been judicially followed till now we could have created a society in INDIA where we would have at least brought 40 - 50 % of the people and their future generations in line with the developed one
Thanks to states like Tamil Nadu who were front runners in this movement where in they did a excellent performance in making this happen. There it is 69% now but again they created more educational institutions,increased the seats and developed Industries which gave enough opportunities for the students. This helped in keeping all sections of the society happy and get benefited. But in many other states, the political parties merely do vote bank politics. They tend to pretend as if they are supporting the deprived sections but actually not.

The goal of this reservation system will only be achieved if it actually benefits the people who need this. We should have some strong governing laws to see if this is not mis used or once one gets benefit from this they should not be used by their following generations . If this is not done this will further create a big difference among the educationally/economically sections in the backward classes

More than just talking about this system for the past 60 years after independence and not able to achieve any thing ,if the Govt /politicians aim at increasing India's Economic growth/Industries it will slowly evade the caste system we had. We have to create a society where any one can do any kind of work. In Countries like US the person is not differentiated based on the work he does(either running a barber shop/farmer/or working in a company). This is possible because all these jobs have a industrial back ground.
Let the next generation kids at least grow in a environment like that

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