Saturday, April 25, 2009

Elam - Will any one understand the true cause
The Sri lankan Govt /Army as well as those in India who does not know what humanity would be enjoying the happenings in and around Mullaithevu now.
If these people claim that LTTE is using civilians as shields in fighting the war but proceeded with the advancement in catching them is further brutal
Will Pranab (Who is not even able to speak proper English and does not want to assist the tamils in any cause) or the rest in Delhi would do the same if some terrorists keep some has hostages in a mosque and keep fighting ?
I'm not supporting LTTE here but we know they are bad elements ,to flush them if you make the general public also suffer is some thing that seems to be idiotic.
The people lost their lives,homes,familirs and were running like beggars in their own country
For those who say/think Tamils are minorities/aliens in Srilanka should either go back and read history. Northern Srilanka is almost a region where tamils ruled and the History dats back to 1500 Years and even beyond .

Raja Pakshae & Co were original migrants from Orissa/costal India into Srilanka. If a country cannot treat his civilians equally and discriminate in all aspects then it is obvious that the community gets agitated and raise its voice. May be what LTTE's approach would seem to be voilent and wrong but the reason for which they are trying to do is justifiable.

Sri lanka failed in all aspects to understand and full fill the needs of its civilians and if it wants to kee its own people in dark today they might be facing challenges from LTTE or a similar movement till it gets resolved. May be they will be able to succeed if they eradicate the entire Tamil community there.

It is very ashamed to know India's stand here. We should have snapped all diplomatic ties with Srilanka and forced them to take proper steps in fixing this situation rather than allowing them to go as they like and send use less emmisionaries later for name sake

Mr Karunanadhi again failed here totally. His administration was a total flop wit him not able to manage his family as well as take proper decisions at appropriate times

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Satyam - In between Elections

Satyams bidding process and the next steps are really taking a lot of time. This is in fact going to be a greater concern especially for the employees there. The delay would make the clients do their consolidation and give them avenues to move to new vendors or part with one of the existing vendors. This will further detioriate the situation
For resources in Onsite it should not be a problem as they would be rebadging to their to the vendor,the issue is for the offshore resources whose positions are in stake

With the election coming in and Cong would not want to pull Raju & folks to the court drama as it would affect its morale especially for YSR,I feel there won't be any concerente steps taken in this front atleast until June '09 and the Raju's may stil be enjoying and playing chess in a first class Jail

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tribute to Mr Dharumi

I know when I write this it is pretty late but still I wanted to write on one of the greatest film personalities of Tamil Cinema. The one and Only "Nagesh".
When I was a student/Kid we did not had "Kamadi Thirai" or Naguachuavai Neram" . Even a tape recorder was very rare in our houses but still every one will use to mimic Nagesh's "Dharumi","Chellapa " or " Madhu Vandhuirrukaen".. One of the rare kind of personalities who was liked by the people of TamilNadu from 1960's till he passed away.
Almost most of the famous personalities had a political background to influence them but this man was independent of politics (barring the differences he had in 70's with MGR) and has made an impact in the industry to a greater extent.
Hope his works would be recogonized by the Govt's and preserve them for the future generations to follow

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cheap business tactics

Satyam's case has put forward how mean minded our business men are. The way by which other competetiors try to capitilise this situation and earn business is dis heartening. One statement by Narayanamorthy on ET "We cannot touch such a tainted company" is kind of disappointing. It is agreed that the management has done mistakes and they need to be punished but on the flip side no one is caring about the 50k employees and their fate.
When I see all other business gaints are keeping quiet it gives a suspicious thought that whether this issue is only with Satyam or else where also ? Was Raju doing it under the confidence that any way this is quiet common in India as all we know cheating Govt/breaking rules are quiet common for the richest sect of people.
One thing that is not clear is how can a company run like this for months . One or two months is understandable. The investigation should reveal lots of news and I guess with such indidents and the current economic crisis IT will no longer be the most preferred career for many

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Satyam's Saga

Every one now on the business world should be talking about the Satyam' story. On top of it Media would be projecting its own story on this matter with lots of new stories and exclusive interviews.
Government has also now told that this issue need to be tackled by the corporate and Govt will not interfere in this matter

The only factor that is worrying is the company is not small ,has 50000+ employees. The employee morale and confidence need to be brought in ,else it will be a total disaster. It is hard to ask for a bailout either for the wrong deeds of the management. But finally the working class is suffering. May be this has thrown lots of questions and changes are expected on the employee safety when they were put into a fix like this by the top management

Lets wait and watch for few more days on how this goes